Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Jackson's SO EXCITED.....

He is going to be a BIG BROTHER!

Now that our Christmas cards are out, the secret is no more. WAHOO!!!

I have been writing blogs the whole time I have known I was pregnant (which was evidently 3 weeks! CRAZY).

Post 1
Post 2
Post 3
Post 4
Post 5
Post 6
Post 7
Post 8
Post 9
Post 10

Wow! A perfect 10 posts before the big reveal. I couldnt have done that if I tried. Well, if you went through and read all of those posts, you can tell that this pregnancy has been quite the ride already. I have never been a good secret keeper, so I am so glad I can talk openly about this. Of course, Craig, Jackson and I would cherish your prayers for a healthy pregnancy and a healthy full term baby. With as few "scares" as possible. We will keep you updated!!!!!


The Heskew Happenings said...

Praying!! I am so excited for you guys!! I kinda had a feeling you were pg so it wasn't much of a shock to me :). Let me know if Jackson needs to come hang out when your sleepy and need a break!

Jennifer Foster said...

Congratulations!! We are thrilled for you all and will be praying. I was just wondering when you all might add to your family : )

mckenziegordon said...

We are so excited for all four of you guys! What a blessing to be able to share your secret during this time of year. Keep us posted!

Emily said...

Congrats! That is so exciting for you guys!

Julie said...

It was fun to read through all of your hidden blogs! What an exciting time for you guys!!

Kate & Matthew said...

Loved reading about the beginnings of this journey. So excited for you friend!

The Austins said...

Congratulations!!!! Jackson will love being a big brother and having a little playmate!