Monday, December 13, 2010

10 Week Appointment

Today was another ultrasound day! I LOVE these days. Although, I must admit, I was a bit anxious about going. I am still having some "issues", that make me worry. Well, our baby looks FANTASTIC. S/he looks like a baby now, instead of a white blob. It is really amazing how quickly the baby changes. Really really amazing.

The baby's heartbeat was beating at 179 beats per minute. Which is REALLY fast. Jackson's heart beat never was as fast as that. It is such a reassuring sound to hear the heart beat.

Again, this ultrasound, the baby was measuring for a due date of July 13th.

We will have an appointment in a month and then the next month we will be able to find out what the baby is!!!!! I feel like it is flying by!!!

Only a couple more weeks of the first trimester. I cant believe it. But I will be anxious to have more energy. After work, I am just basically done for the day. My nausea has really decreased, which is fantastic. This pregnancy is also different in my cravings. With Jackson, I wanted anything sweet... fruity or chocolately. With this pregnancy, I dont even want to see chocolate.. and can walk away from any dessert (who am I?!?!)... but crave anything salty. For instance, the other day, I texted Craig.. I wanted Ruffles and Hiland French Onion dip. He brought it home, and I just needed a few bites and was done... but it sure tasted good!!!

I cant believe Christmas is right around the corner. Our December has been sooo sooo soooo busy, that it has flown by. I am excited to spend time with our family, praying for no blizzard like last year!!!


Erin said...

WHAT!?! You're preggo!? Congrats!!!

Landon and Jen said...

Apparently I've been missing some very important news! Congratulations Craig, Danielle, and Jackson!

I love the Hidden Baby Blogs!!! You will cherish those!