Well, it is no secret that Craig and I have been trying to have our second baby for a few months now. We did not actually start trying till we were ready, since we just thought about having a baby with Jackson and we were pregnant. What a blessing. Well, this time, it was not so easy. And if you know me (which you probably do, if you are reading this blog), I like to plan. I plan lots and lots of things, and obviously try to plan things that I can not control.
We knew that we were ready to have a baby, and we decided that we would start trying right after Ward and Reese's wedding. Well, we did.. and it kept not happening. Without going into TOO much detail on this blog, Craig and I were doing everything in our power to get pregnant. And it was not happening. I decided to call my doctor and set up a time to get blood work done, etc.
I recently posted about this traumatic experience. Well, my fabulous nurse, Tami, called me back the following day with the news, that I was not pregnant... but there was some good news that they didnt think they would have to put me on medicine to help. She told me some things that I already knew... and I had a MAJOR pity party that night.
Now, let me say this.. I have had a couple of pity parties this go round.. and every time, God CLEARLY reminds me how blessed I am. I already have a healthy, precious baby boy. I have friends who are experiencing real heartbreak, trying to get pregnant for the first time. I feel so selfish for my actions. I also knew that God knew the desire of my heart.. to have another child of my own. So I really prayed that my heart would change, that I would be patient waiting for His perfect timing.
Well, another thing that my nurse said, was "maybe we tested too early, lets set you up for next Tuesday to come in again". I agreed, however, I told Craig, that I thought I would know FOR SURE by the weekend that I was not pregnant, and that I would not need to go back to the doctor for more blood work.
Well Sunday, I didnt have that confirmation.. and I remembered last time Craig had bought me a set of 5 pg tests.. so I went and got one, just to confirm to myself that I was right. :)
Well...WHAT?!?! I could not even believe it. The test at the doctor came back negative. I was SO.EXCITED!!! I immediately started thinking about how I could tell Craig creatively. You know me, I dont keep secrets well AT. ALL.
So I ended up saying to him in his office after Sunday School.. "come look at the fun picture I took this morning". When he looked at it his immediate response was "No WAY!" Then we both got really excited!!!!!!
Its such a different feeling than when we found out about Jackson. With Jackson we were SHOCKED. We had no idea that you could get pg that quickly. But we were both THRILLED... it just took a little bit to adjust to the idea.
Well with this baby, we are SHOCKED, not so much in that we are actually pregnant.. but in that we really really thought that we werent this month! God really does have the perfect timing.
We are thrilled thrilled thrilled. And we REALLY are trying to keep it a secret for a while! We will see!!!
Love you sweet baby in my tummy!!!!!
3 weeks ago
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