Wednesday, November 6, 2013

Our Halloween

Happy Halloween from our Snow White, and our Captain America.  I knew the day was coming... Jackson was going to have an opinion on his Halloween costume.  This was the year.  But he was just so excited to be Captain America, it was so cute!

We had such a fun fun day!  The kids got to dress up to go to school.  They had a party after nap time. I am thankful for a job that allows me to be a mom first, so I was able to attend!

 Sometimes its hard for Jackson to wake up from his naps (the boy loves his sleep!).  This was one of those days, so it was tough for him to be excited for his party.  But he slowly warmed up.
I am thankful for these boys- they are Jackson's best friends at school.. Cale and Mohammed.  Jackson thanks God for them every night.  Its sweet.  :)
 McKinley's teacher, on Monday and Thursdays, is one of our FAVORITES.  McKinley ADORES her.  Ms. Cortney is a student at OU and I am pretty positive, McKinley thinks she is one of her sorority sisters.  :)
And we ALL know how we feel about Ms. Christie.  Shes pretty much, perfect!!!

After the party, we rushed home to finish getting the house and dinner ready.  Our family was coming over for a Chili Bar, Pumpkin Chip Cookies and Trick Or Treating.

Our Aunt Judy and cousin, Macey Claire flew all the way in from Baton Rouge. It was SUCH a treat!  McKinley had not seen them since she was a little baby.  I am pretty sure it was love at first sight.

Aunt Amy came over too! She brought all the kids yummy cupcakes, which they devoured!!!!

The birthday girl made an appearance (with her mom and dad too, of course!!)  These pictures are a great progression of McKinley's love for Merritt.  I think Merritt is still figuring out how to handle my kids display of affection.  We are huggers.  :)

After we ate, Macey Claire, Jackson and McKinley went Trick Or Treating with Craig and Aunt Judy.  Jackson made it to approximately one house before he turned to Craig and said "This is spooky- we gotta get out of here!"  So he made a home on our porch swing, ate some candy and met the trick or treaters that came to our house.

It was such a nice night, so we all enjoyed being outside and meeting our neighbors!  We LOVE living close to family, so we can enjoy nights like this together!!!