Monday, February 11, 2013

Weekend Recap

We had a great weekend, and I remembered to take some pictures to document.  :)  Friday night, Craig and I were able to have a date night.  Our church has Parents Night Out every couple of weeks.  Alot of time, our Sunday School class does something together, but sometimes they leave it open so that we can just have a date night.  They scheduled it so that we could use that Friday night as our Valentines date.  Well, McKinley had been fighting yet another fever (this time, I REALLY think it was just tooth related), so my parents offered to come and stay with her, so that we could still get out.  Jackson decided that he wanted to stay and play with Honey and Papa instead of going to church. 

Craig and I went to Quail Creek for dinner.. it was delicious and relaxing.  We had a great time! 

 Saturday, was pretty dreary, and my sweet guy, although it did not last long just wanted to snuggle.  I love it!  My very favorite weather is dreary, rainy days. I cant wait till my kids can fully understand how wonderful a Saturday can be with that kind of weather. 
 Nap time did not go so great for Jackson.. so once McKinley woke up, we went to Uptown Market and let him see Batman.  As I have mentioned, several times before.. my son LOVES Super Heroes.. but he sure did not want to see Batman, and told me to go the other way when he actually saw him.  We thought maybe McKinley would be interested.. but when he tried to talk to her, she turned her head and completely ignored him.  At least we know for sure, that our kids are not of case to enjoy a trip to Disney World.  :)

The last part of the afternoon was the toughest.  We were all ready for Daddy to get home.  The house was a DISASTER.. and I was feeling very impatient.  After dinner, I took a "nap" about 6:30, fully intending to get up and paint.  But that did not happen. 

Sunday was a great morning at church.  The kids came home and napped, and I worked on their teacher's Valentines gifts.  My kids dont go to school on Thursdays and that is when their party is, so we got out of having to give their friends Valentines, but we still wanted to do something special for their teachers.  We are so thankful for them.