Thursday, October 18, 2012

The Pumpkin Patch

 We took the kids to Orr Family Farm yesterday when I got off work.  Craig and I are always SO excited to do these fun things with the kids, and always hold the highest of expectations.. and although we did have a FANTASTIC time.. we had a few melt downs that can just be flat exhausting.  :)
 We first took the hayride out to the pumpkin patch.  Jackson, was at first, unsure of the big tractor and trailer filled with hay.  But as soon as we all sat down, he was very exciting.  Yelling "WEEEEE"  before the tractor even moved.  McKinley on the other hand, was VERY serious, taking everything in. 
 When we got to the pumpkin patch.. I had envisioned taking a ton of really cute pictures with my kids propped up on pumpkins.  That did not happen.  :)  They had a ton of small pumpkins for kids to pick out which one they wanted.  Jackson was more interested in the big wooden bridge that he wanted to climb over.  Which meant, his sister also was more interested in climbing the huge wooden bridge, than picking out a cute pumpkin.  :)
 We played on the swingset for a little bit and then headed over to the petting zoo.  Jackson thought it was so fun.. his favorite was the chickens.  He sat next to them for a long time, making their noises for them. 
 McKinley, again, was very serious, taking everything in.. the people, the animals, everything.  I think I heard 800 times while in the petting zoo how small she was.  (Side note: I know she is small.  I know it throws people off to see her walking, because she is so small... but hearing from every human that first sees her, just how small she is... sometimes gets to me.. yesterday was one of those days....)
 Jackson LOVED milking the cow.  Craig had to remind him to be gentle.  :)
 While Jackson stopped to play in the sand box, McKinley sat in her stroller and watched the action.  She was at a pretty difficult age.. since she can walk, she feels like she can do everything.  But there really werent many toys that were fit for her size.  And as my dad pointed out, she doesnt realize she is as small as she is.. she really does think she can do anything her brother can do. 
 Jackson had a ton of fun on the big bouncy "pillows".  I think he could have stayed there until the next morning.  He love love loved it!  So much so, that when it was time to leave, he cried the entire ride home.  :(
We had a great afternoon, and I am thankful for family time!