Monday, February 7, 2011

The BIG Ultrasound

I am about 18 weeks along. Today our BIG ultrasound was scheduled. This is the super fun ultrasound, where you find out the gender of your baby, of course, if your baby is cooperative. With Jackson, I was pretty naive... I was just THRILLED about finding out the sex of our baby. Well at Jackson's big ultrasound, not only did we find out he was a boy (YAY!), we found out that he had cysts on his brain. As a new parent, that is NOT the news that you want to here. And although, God continually brought people into our lives that had similar circumstances, it was so difficult for us, until we found out in our 3rd trimester, that they had disappeared. It was a great day.

Since having Jackson, I have realized that having a completely healthy baby is 100% a miracle. I have become aware of numerous babies who have had many different health problems. My heart has always broken for their parents. I could not even begin to imagine how they were feeling and how they were hurting.

Baby Smith #2s big ultrasound was coming up, and although I was looking forward to finding out our baby's gender, I was feeling anxious. I had friends ask me why I thought I was so anxious.. I would remind them that we found out about Jacksons cysts on this ultrasound.. and it was a time where alot of parents found out about other health issues in their babies. They, of course, encouraged me that everything would be fine.

This morning I was EXTREMELY anxious about our appointment. When we got to the doctor, I told the ultrasound tech that I had been really anxious that morning. I assumed it was because I thought this baby may have cysts also. She, first looked at the babys brain. I asked her if there were cysts, there were NONE. YAY! I told her I wanted to hug her. She told us what she thought the baby was, printed some ultrasound pictures. And then printed off a few more. She ended our time by telling us that our doctor would go over the results with us. I kind of thought it was weird.

I went with my nurse and weighed.. ugh. I noticed that the ultrasound tech was sitting in Dr. Wilks office.. I thought that was strange too. When we got into our room, my nurse was taking my blood pressure. I asked her if it was high, because I had been so anxious that morning. She laughed at me, and told me not to worry, everything would be fine.

Dr. Wilks came in the office, and immediately cut to the chase. She said, I have some bad news. She had tears in her eyes. She said a whole bunch of things, that I didnt really understand. But what I did hear was that my baby has a hole in its stomach and some of its organs are outside of the body. She said it was a big deal. They were already on the phone with the high risk doctor, they wanted me to get in immediately, so we could get a plan in place. I told her, I just wanted to hear that I had a healthy baby. She left the room, Craig gave me a hug, and I started crying. My nurse came in, obviously feeling horrible that just a few minutes ago, she told me that my baby would be fine. She had no idea. She just hugged me...

Craig and I headed downstairs to the 3rd floor and waited FOREVER in the high risk doctors office. They are very thorough, which I appreciate.. and with the winter storm last week, they were already backed up. I just am glad they were willing to work me in. When we finally got called back, we were taken back to an ultrasound room. Our ultrasound tech was very nice, and really explained to us, EVERYTHING she was looking at. She measured our babys head, stomach, looked at our babys spine, etc. Everything was measuring fine. That was great news. It was also very obvious to us, this time, the masses that were floating that were not supposed to be there. She assumed that they were the babys intestines.

Then Dr. Stanley came in. He also did a very thorough ultrasound. He is a very nice man. Very straight forward, but gentle. Craig and I appreciated how he handled us and our baby. He agreed that everything was looking good. We looked at the brain, and he showed us how he didnt think the baby had spina bifida (spell?). Great news. He looked at our babys lip, and it showed no signs of cleft. He looked at the spine and said it looked good.. not like Downs Syndrome. All good news.

Then he looked at our problem area. He looked at it for a long time. He turned off the ultrasound machine and said he was going to move us to a different room and come in and tell us what he saw and what he didnt see.

We went to the other room. He came in and drew us three pictures. One was of the issue it could be that starts with a g.. I honestly cant rememeber what that word was. The next was called Omphalocele. I am going to do my best to describe these.. the word with the g means there is a hole in the abdomen and there are organs on the outside of the body. Omphalocele is more of a bulge, with some of the organs on the outside. It also means that there is a 30-50% chance that there is something else going on.. like a genetic abnormality. Well, our babys issue doesnt look like either one of these exactly. But it does look more like Omphalocele than the g word. The bulge is MUCH smaller than most. It does look like the umbilical cord is herniated also. Because the bulge is smaller, Dr. Stanley feels like there is a 2-5% chance that our baby has a genetic abnormality.

I will be going to the high risk doctor every 3 weeks to check on the baby's progress. I am also hoping that as the baby develops, Dr. Stanley will be able to tell more definitely what is going on. I will also continue seeing Dr. Wilks for my regular OB appointments.

We will meet with a pediatric surgeon within the next 8 weeks. What this means for me, is I will not be able to deliver vaginally like I had hoped, but will definitely have a c-section. I will not be able to deliver at Mercy.. which makes me sad.. they were such a blessing during our delivery with Jackson. But they dont do pediatric surgeries.. and our baby will definitely have at least one right after delivery. So, I will be delivering at either Baptist or OU. The good news is we have time to do our research about these hospitals and their NICUs.

What it means for our baby, is our baby will have a rough start. The baby will have at least one surgery to put the organs that are outside of the body, back in place. As our doctor said, he wants us to be optimistic, however, he wants us to have in the back of our head that things could be alot worse than we expect.

Craig and I believe in the power of prayer. And we believe that God can heal our baby. I dont know what that will look like.. but I will pray expecting for His will to be done in our baby's life. I ask you to pray and expect great things to be done, as far as the healing of our child goes. We feel blessed that we were able to find out about this now. If I had tried to deliver vaginally, not knowing about this problem, many many many more issues could have arisen. I feel confident in both of my doctors. I will NOT be doing research on this diagnosis. I will depend on my doctors to give me the information that is necessary. I trust that they will do that.

Right now, I am doing ok. Craig is being a rock... definitely being strong for me, I know. We are sad. And worried. There is absolutely nothing that we can do right now, other than pray and continue to lay our child's life in the hands of our loving Father. So thats what we are going to do. We are going to celebrate this life that I have growing inside of me.. what a tremendous blessing. And we will probably cry alittle too. :)

Our little family is incredibly blessed to have so many people already love our little baby. I know there are so many things going on in everyone's lives... but I do ask you, that when you think about it, please continue to pray for Baby Smith #2.


Anonymous said...

The Keahbone's are praying for complete healing for your little one and peace and wisdom for you and Craig!



Miranda B said...

Danielle, what a honest, touching, and inspiring post. I will continue to pray for you, your family, and Baby #2. Love you.

April S said...

Aw, Danielle I am so sorry. I cried as I read this, because I can't imagine how you guys feel right now. But, after I read it all I also cried thinking about how BIG our God is!!! I know HE hears our prayers and in Psalm 34:17 it says "The righteous cry out, and the Lord hears them; He delivers them from all their troubles." I will be fervently praying for peace and comfort for you and Craig. I will also be praying for the baby. Love you guys, if there is anything at all I can do please please call me. LOVE YOU GUYS!!!

Rappe said...

The Rappe's are praying expecting God to show up and do the unexpected and the unexplained so that HE gets the glory!!!

Chris and Sarah said...

Dearest Smith family, Chris and I will continue to pray for you and your sweet baby. I absolutely love you from the bottom of my heart. Please call me if you need anything!

mgoff said...

Prayed for you guys tonight at bedtime prayers with daisy. LOVE YOU. Want to give you big hugs right now!

Scott, Stacy, Maddie, Elle and Lola said...

I am so impressed Danielle, you seem to be handling this very well for what it is. We are praying for you and that sweet little baby.
Love you much

Julie said...

We are praying for you, Craig, Baby Smith #2, and Jackson. We will pray everyday and we will rejoice with you when we see God reveal Himself in a mighty way in this baby's life. He knit this baby together in your womb. HE CAN HEAL THIS BABY IN YOUR WOMB! I believe HE can! I am praying for peace that passes all understanding and I am praying for HOPE. Hope is big to our family! We love all 4 of you!

Marisa said...

Continued prayers and love are sent your way for your whole family. Love you so much friend.

Anonymous said...

We love you so much and we will begin to pray for your precious baby and that God will bring peace to you and to Craig!! Find your strength in the One who holds you and your baby in the palm of his hand!! Rest there often and feel His love!! I love you Danielle and know that I am here if you need anything!!!


Brooklyn said...

Praying God's peace and strength for you and your precious family. I will specifically be praying these verses over you: Psalm 46:1-2 and v10 God is our refuge and strength, an ever-present help in trouble. Therefore we will not fear, though the earth give way and the mountains fall into the heart of the sea,.....Be still, and know that I am God; I will be exalted among the nations, I will be exalted in the earth.

Through all of this may the Lord receive glory! You are a testimony to what God can do in the hearts of his people when they seek Him in times of trouble. Love you!

Steve Bullard said...

Courtney and I are praying. Read this with tears and just know this must seem impssible to face. We will pray forbyour strength daily as well as miraculous healing.
The Bullards

Leslie said...

Thanks for taking the time to update. We will certainly be praying for healing and for God's sustaining peace for you and Craig.

absonjourney said...

Amanda and I are praying for all 4 of you. Our hearts go out to you and pray that He will be your comfort and your healing.

The Abernathys

Anonymous said...

We will pray for all of you and pray very hard that God will heal Baby#2. We know he can do miracles and must believe they will happen.

Barbara Johnson

Unknown said...

Oh Friend I am so sorry. I know in my heart that Gid will protect you and the baby. I will continue to pray for both of you. God is a miraculous and gracious God and HE says to ask and you shall recieve and HE will help you all through this.


Kendra said...

I am praying for you and Craig and precious baby Smith. My go-to verse while my infant daughter was in the hospital battling botulism, "For though the mountains should depart and the hills be shaken or removed, yet My love and kindness shall not depart from you, nor shall My covenant of peace and completeness be removed, says the Lord, Who has compassion on you." Isaiah 54:10

Claire said...

We are praying. All of our love to your family.

Karla Prewitt said...

It is obvious by your heartfelt words...God is already moving to comfort and guide you and Craig as you cling to Him through the coming months. Remember...Our Father loves your baby even more than you hard as that is to comprehend! We are praying for a miracle of healing for your little blessing! We love you and your family so much! You will be in our thoughts and prayers daily!!!
- Karla

Emily said...

Praying for your sweet baby. And for you guys. And for the doctors, so that they give your baby the very best care possible.

Anonymous said...

Danielle, Thanks for being so honest, real and transparent with this post. I am praying for you, your baby and your family. Please keep everyone posted how we can pray specifically.
A simple verse that has always helped me -- I Peter 5:7 - Cast your cares on Him for He cares for you!

Melissa said...

Oh Danielle...I just broke down into tears reading this post. We're about 18 weeks too, so I can just imagine how you must be feeling right now. I will be lifting you and Craig and your sweet little one up in prayer every day. Thankfully, we are loved by a MIGHTY God...our shield and very great reward. He will be with you every step of the way. Praying blessings and peace over you right now.

ricki lea moore said...

I'm praying that you will have peace in the midst of this journey. We serve a mighty God and know that He has a perfect plan.
During our journey with Xander, I have never been a "researcher" I have always prayed that God would put doctors in our path that would be filled with amazing wisdom and knowledge and that whether they were Christians or not, that God would guide and direct them.
These are the moments when God is glorified!

Ashley Domer said...

Oh Danielle...this post has brought me to tears! I'm so sorry you and Craig are having to go through this but I know in my heart that the Lord will work to heal your baby! I will be praying for you daily! Take care and comfort each other during thus difficult time!

Marie said...

We will be praying for Baby #2 your family! Our God is the ultimate healer and the great physician. With love, Marie, Hank and Addie Bockus

Marie said...

sorry I meant to put "We'll be praying for baby #2 and your family"

Jennifer said...

Praying for you all right now, sweet friend, and that you will continue to feel the tenderness of our Shephard. From Isaiah 40:11 "He tends his flock like a shepherd. He gathers the lambs in his arms and carries them close to his heart; he gently leads those that have young."

calillie said...

Praying for your family, Danielle. Thank you for honesty. I will lift up your specific requests.

The Austins said...

We are praying for your sweet family. My heart is heavy, but we trust God is good.

mckenziegordon said...

So I read your post yesterday but couldn't comment yet. I just want you to know that Chris and I are hurting and praying with you! It's all for His glory and what a story you and Baby #2 will have. Sometimes the hardest things are what bring Him the most glory. No fun, but know so many love all four of you and are praying.

Kathy said...

Frank & I are also lifting you and Craig up in prayer. We love you both very much and are believing God will heal this baby.

Kara Scharrer said...

Prayers from Minnesota for blessings, peace, and healing.

Anonymous said...

We are praying for complete healing for this precious baby. We love you.

Lynsey said...

My sister was born with Gastroschisis back in 1985 and she is doing wonderful! She is married and has a 3 year old daughter and she lives a normal life! No one would ever know about this unless they see her scare but, I want you to know that my family is praying for you and we believe that God hears and answers orayers! He did with my sister!