Its Tuesday- and its not Tasty. I know those are of you following my blog know that I could stand to lose a few (MANY) pounds. So, I really havent been cooking much lately... or cooking anything worthwhile to share. And I really think I wont be for a my Tasty Tuesdays might be minimal... HOWEVER, my sweet friend, Emily, has asked me to do alittle catering for Joyful Noise once a week... so maybe I can share some of those recipes that I cook for others to enjoy. This cute little boy is FULL of personality (I wonder where he gets it.. and seriously, I wondered while he was in my belly if he would be shy.... HA!)
He has gotten some pretty interesting reports from school. They fill out forms every day to let us know if they have eaten good, if they had dirty diapers, their moods that day, etc. So that, with the combination that one of my favorite friends is one of his teachers, I learn pretty quickly what he has been like during the day.
And I wanted to make sure to document some of the comments that I have received. That way, he will know what he was like when he was in school, and his WIFE will know what to expect when they choose to have kids one day (CRAZY thought!)
The first day of school, when it came to nap time, he decided that he did not want to lay on his cot, he instead wanted to play catch with sleeping children. I dont know if you have ever played catch with my child, but he is strong. And he was aiming at their heads. Needless to say, he has his own room now. :)
Another day, they told me that he really wasnt interested in his own food.. but VERY interested in other kids food...especially the twins cheetos. Since then, they have tried to put him in other areas of the room to eat, but somehow he always ends up where other people are.
Another day, I got a note home saying, they were fingerpainting and he wasnt sure about it at first, but then he LOVED it. I talked to his teacher further, and she said that it took TWO teachers to finger paint with him, once he figured out he liked it, because he was wanting to paint everything. He liked painting his clothes, but didnt like the way it tasted.
They have music class once a week, which is a new addition that Emily has implemented and I LOVE it. Evidently they have drums (which blog readers, you may remember his bff, Kodey plays the drums in our praise band), and that is ALL Jackson would play with and he would not share.
Last week, I asked Brooke (his teacher, my friend), how he had done.. and she got a look on her face... like she didnt want to tell me. She said he had been really mean that day. He had taken toys away from boys and girls and ran around the room with them. He pushed a girl into the mirror and then whipped her around by her collar. The girl he was beating up on, is another one of my favorite friends daughters.. I was mortified. Not to mention, we obviously dont teach our child to be mean... sin nature, my friends.. sin nature.
Today his note said, that he enjoyed playing in the water puddle next to the building. He would. My child is ALL BOY. He would be the ONE child that noticed the muddy water puddle and want to play in it.
I am so thankful for my baby boy. Although, he isnt so much baby anymore. I am thankful for his teachers and director at Joyful Noise, who invest in him 3 days a week. I am thankful that he continues to grow and learn new things every day. And I pray that Craig and I can continue to be the Godly parents that Jackson needs (even though we are learning EVERY DAY!)
3 weeks ago
You didn't post that he had a great day today! :-) I love him! And I also love love love that your gonna cater! Yummo friend! I hope your feeling better. I started glazing tonight but didnt have good enough light so hopefully I can get it done tomorrow and you can come take a looksy.
P.S. Your one of my fav friends too! And I love Mr J's sweet personality and awesome smile!
Love his hair spiky like that! I found the best stuff for spiking little boys' hair... "spiking glue"... I can only find it at Walgreens and it's in a bright yellow bottle. (If you get it, it says use on wet hair, but I think it works best on dry).
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