Friday, September 17, 2010

changes to the good ole blog

Craig told me this would happen. He was right. I admit it. He was right.

All these specific days make me feel like I am in a box. I have to write about certain things on certain days. I dont want to do that anymore. If I have a recipe, I want to share and its not Tuesday, I want to share it. If I have a craft project and its Saturday, I want to post it. If Jackson does something awesome on Monday, which I am sure will.. I want to write about it THEN.

So... it will be more random. But probably more "as things happen".

Hubby.. you were right.


Missy said...

It's your bloggy and you'll blog if you want to... (sung in the "It's My Party" tune)

piper. said...

sewing machines are the BEST investment of all time. such a convenient way to change out throw pillows with the seasons, make cute gifts, etc etc. i would definitely recommend taking a "crash course" sewing class. you'll ramp sooo much faster and enjoy it a lot more. we have several really awesome places that do lessons and stuff here, but i'm sure you'll be able to find something great in OK - i like places that sell fabric i like because then i can tell the store owners have good taste. haha!

coco said...

don't you hate it when those boys are right? :) the changes sound good to me!