Monday, July 26, 2010


This weekend, I discovered, I have quite a few more blog followers than I knew... they commented on my lack of posts. Which I realize, I have been slacking. I have several posts "written" in my mind... and I will really focus on getting caught up! I have just been so busy (isnt that the life of all moms!) I have started working more for my brother in law, which is a tremendous blessing. But just as I decided to start working more for him, I also started selling Stella and Dot jewelry. Then you add to the equation, that it is summer and we were preparing for Falls Creek... my blog just didnt take priority. (I have, however, taken the time to continue reading my favorites!)

This post will be alittle out of order, considering, I have posts I need to write from June! But, I have a few pictures on this computer, from Jackson's 2nd year at Falls Creek! Our church got back from Falls Creek on Saturday. We took 100+ kids this year, they were all wonderful. When you get that many students together, you are bound to have problems. And we really didnt.. of course there was some teenage drama.. but that is to be expected. Overall, the students were very well behaved, respectful, and really came and focused. They are a blessing. Jackson and I were able to go down on Wednesday and we left after lunch on Friday. So, we were not there the entire time, but we did have a great time while we were there. The cabin that we stay at, has a couple of "hotel" rooms, so Jackson and I had our room and bathroom. Which was perfect, Jackson was able to still take his naps and go to bed when he was ready. He was such a good boy. Somehow, he slept through the EXTREMELY loud worship every evening. And he woke up very happy every morning. He adores our students!

In the mornings, we would go downstairs and he would eat breakfast with the big kids!

They were SO. MUCH. FUN!!!!
Then Jackson would hop in his car, with his pjs still on..And go for a walk with his daddy around Falls Creek!! Jackson got to visit alot of Craig's friends! And meet alot of students from different churches! Which he LOVED!

But, one of his most FAVORITE times was when he got to play the drums with his best friend, Kodey (blog post coming about this relationship!). He L.O.V.E.D it... looked at that happy face!!!
What a great week.. and even better than the wonderful time that Jackson had... we had 12 students accept Jesus into their hearts for the first time ever! And that, is what it is ALL about!


The Austins said...

Glad you are back!
We would love to have you and Jackson come play. Next time you are in Edmond, let me know and you guys can come over.

The Heskew Happenings said...

Keep em comin!! You know I love reading it! I love the pics of Jackson here! His sweet little face just lights up when he smiles! Love you guys!

coco said...

jackson looks so cute! looks like he just ate up all of the attention too. :) don't you just love having those hotel rooms??? at first i was really sad to not be with the girls but then i completely embraced having my own shower and bathroom! :)