Friday, February 1, 2008

Have you ever...

Have you ever been sleeping and dreaming and then you wake up because you have to go to the bathroom, which only takes approximately less than one minute. And then you climb back into your warm bed and you want to fall right back to sleep, but you want to go back to where you were in the dream. Not because it was an all together great dream, but because you want to continue it.. you know, its like a story. So, instead of falling right back to sleep, you stay awake trying to figure out what in the world that you were dreaming about, so you can continue the story. And so instead of going right back to sleep, it takes approximately 45 minutes to just fall back to sleep... and you dont even finish the dream.

I have.


Unknown said...

oh yes, that has happened to me numerous times!!!

Julie said...

you make me laugh!