Monday, August 12, 2013

Girls Trip!

Time to get caught up.  :)

 About a month ago, Mom, McKinley and I loaded up and headed down to Dallas for a girls weekend! 

We stayed with my cousin, Jim and his wife, Becca and their daughter, Samantha.  Samantha and McKinley are really close in age, so it was really fun to watch them interact!

 The reason why we chose the weekend, we did, was because a group of moms and kids from my support group (Moms of Omphaloceles) were getting together.  We met at this Safari Play place on Saturday morning.  It was really fun to meet the moms from the facebook support group, and see all of their cute fighter babies.  McKinley has no idea that she was ever sick, so I know she totally did not grasp the concept of why we were there, but it was a really good time!

After our play time, we went and did alittle shopping.  We needed to stop at H&M, because I heard that made tiny undies, and thats what we were needing for McKinley's potty training journey.  Of course, now you can order online from H&M.  :)

That afternoon, the girls just loved playing together.  It was really really fun to watch them play together.  I have a feeling that they are going to love growing up together. 

This was also the trip that I realized that we "needed" a dog.  McKinley would just light up when she would see their dogs- she was always wanting to be near them.  It was really really sweet.  This "need" will be covered more in our next blog post.  :)