After 25 days on the market, our Newcastle house went under contract! The absolutely PERFECT couple is buying it. We love them, and hope that they make alot of happy memories in this house!
Craig and I were SHOCKED that it went under contract so quickly, considering our last move. So, we had not stepped foot in a house. I refused to get my hopes up... but after we got the terms of our house worked out, we went looking. We found the perfect house for our little family. My requirements, plus my budget did not leave a TON of options in the area of town that I wanted to live in. :) I wanted at least one more room that could be a play room. That way I could have a pretty living room, void of Toys R Us. :) And I wanted A tree. We got both, and we are lowering our mortgage about $200/month. We are super excited! The people who live in the house currently have taken SUCH good care of it. They are the original owners, and I really believe we will cause more wear on the house in the first month that we live there, than they did in the 12 that they have lived there.
We are now praying for good inspections and appraisals on both houses. And look forward to closing November 20th! I had been praying that we could be in our new house by the holidays.. isnt God good!!!!!!
1 week ago
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