Wednesday, July 15, 2009


I have been meaning to write this blog.

Four years ago in October, one of my best friends from college had a baby. She was the first one of my friends who had a baby. I will never forget the day Maddie was born. We were in Dallas for OU/Texas weekend. I remember laying in bed crying because I was missing it! I hated it. But sure was excited for Stacy!

Since then, several of my friends have had babies! Everyone of them is so exciting!

And on Saturday, Stacy gave birth to TWINS!Elle and Lola McClure were born around 3:30 pm on Saturday! Really.. how natural does Stacy look?

I love these girls. I can not wait to meet them. They are beautiful!
Congrats Stacy, Scott and Maddie! We love you guys!!!


Leslie said...

OH my goodness! I had no idea she was expecting twins! I used to read her blog but then she went private and I stopped. So exciting!!! She loooks amazing.