Thursday, June 18, 2009


I am a single mom this week.

Craig is at Super Summer. I came to my parents. They are so helpful!

Jackson is a good baby. He is a happy baby.

Yesterday, however, Jackson was off schedule and he was CRANKY. ALL DAY! I mean, ALL DAY. I think he was just tired. But, it was constant... by about 2:00 pm, I was just crying. I was exhausted and nothing I did could make him happy. It was exhausting.

He finally took a nap. But, when he woke up he was just as cranky. I just had a bad attitude about it. I had Oprah on, while I was feeding him. I dont even know what her show was about, I just caught the tail end of the show. But, let me tell you.. this story made me feel EXTREMELY selfish. I have a healthy baby boy, who is more precious than anything. He was having one bad day, and I was frustrated.

Here is the clip.. its all about perspective..


Kinsey said...

those little wake up calls are nice when they happen! i feel so silly when i get so frustrated about her not wanting to eat what i've fixed for her, because she is healthy and growing and what do i care!

Shara said...

Sorry you're having a rough week, friend; I'll be praying for you! Aren't grandparents great?! :)