Monday, March 23, 2009

Jackson's Nursery!

Finally, pictures of Jackson's nursery! I LOVE it! It is exactly how I pictured it! Simple and classic!

Craig and Dad just finished putting up the verse yesterday! And it looks absolutely wonderful! Just in time for Jackson to be sleeping in his big boy crib!
This is the view when you walk through his door. The rocking chair, Craig's Great Grandfather made.. it even made it through the land run! Very special!
Jackson's crib! I love it! And I LOVE how he LOVES to sleep in it!
The verse over his bed! I LOVE how it turned out! So special!
And his changing area/dresser! I had this dresser in my room in my apartment, and it had been in our guest room in our Hot Springs house. We painted it to match the crib and the mirror that I got for a GREAT deal at a store in Hot Springs. It took me forever to find the right lamp! But, I, again, love how it turned out! YAY!


Shara said...

I love his nursery!!! The verse is so sweet over his crib, and I love that the rocker has so many sentiments attached to it. :)

Pascha said...

loving the nursery! especially the lamp and the mirror! good job girl!
lets get together next week?

Unknown said...

the nursery looks incredible! i love the writing on the wall. Everything looks great!

mgoff said...

WOW, it turned out so great. I am glad you love it and Jackson loves it!

Scott, Stacy, Maddie, Elle and Lola said...

VERY cute!!! LOVE the mirror... a lot!

Anonymous said...

Your nursery is so gorgeous. Would you mind if I include it in the gallery on my website?
I would love for my readers to see it.
Please let me know. I would really appreciate it.