Wednesday, August 22, 2007

my first blog.

Well, the day has come, that I decided I need to have a blog. So, I made one! :) I am alittle worried that I will have no idea what to post, or that people wont really care what I have to say. Very possible. But I so enjoy reading other people's blogs, I want to have one too. So many people have such creative ways to express their feelings or even just their days through their blog, and I am not going to promise anything.

Today has been quite a day. You know how when you start your day off pretty rough, the rest of the day pretty much follows suit. Thats today. But I guess it started last night. I had a wonderful evening with Mindy and Amanda and $3.99 soft tacos. Seriously a great deal!! Only to get home to a part of town with not one single light on. Complete darkness. I couldnt even see poor Raley when I walked in my house. I even had to remind him "Raley, mommy cant see you, so dont get under my feet". He listened. So you might think we were having another tropical storm in Oklahoma or that we were sweltering from triple digit temperatures. But no, there was not a cloud in the dark, moonlit sky. Nor was it the hottest of all the summer days we have had so far. Just, no electricity. None. Thanks to Amanda, Raley and I were able to sleep in an air conditioned house last night. Not very well though. Raley was so confused and so excited and REALLY wanted to go see Amanda throughout the entire night. I went to bed upset, so I had knots all up and down by back. Seriously, it was ridiculous. Got to work this morning, and an employee called with a definite "questionable" injury. Had to talk with corporate for what seemed like forever. I know they are only doing their job, but I have found that I like easy answers. Not even answers that I will necessarily like, but immediate answers. I was not given that today. I interviewed the kings of work ethic today, of the 15 inteviews I had scheduled, 7 showed up and only 3 took the time to complete their application before leaving. Quality! They really want to work. I did just get back from a wonderfully refreshing lunch with Melinda, who I have not seen in at least a year!! I love how with some friendships, although you might not be the best at keeping up, you can get back together and not skip a beat! She looked great! And it was just so much fun to get updated on all the events and happenings in our lives.

Tonight, Wednesday nights start up again. I am excited to see our now 8th grade girls! I am excited to walk through their lives with them this semester. I am excited to see how the Lord has challenged and stretched them this summer. And I am excited to hopefully be a part of their discovery of how truely wonderful a relationship with our Lord is!

Craig comes in town on Friday, and I can honestly not wait to see him. My life is so busy in Oklahoma City, but it is so incomplete also. I have been encouraged not to wish away my time here. And I could not agree more. I have so many great things in Oklahoma City, that I am so incredibly thankful for! And I cherish my time here. However, I can not wait till I dont have to drive six hours to see the man of my dreams. That will be one great day!!

So there is my first blog. Nothing deep. Dont worry, I doubt there will ever be anything too deep. Just alittle glimpse into a day in the life of danielle. :)