Considering today is my kids CHRISTMAS PARTY at school, I thought I should probably get Thanksgiving blogged. :) And just catch up on our happenings in general.
As always, we went down to Dallas the weekend before, to celebrate with my dad's side of the family. This year got a little crazy because Oklahoma decided to have an ice storm. Our plan was to leave Friday morning and head down, but Craig made the wise decision for us to leave on Thursday night and stay the night in Gainsville, knowing that I would be stressing otherwise. I dont do, drive on ice. So thats what we did, as soon as Craig got home from work, we loaded the car- gave the kids a little early road trip present (that I did not get pictures of). But we bought them cute new jammies for the trip. So they got all cozy in their pjs, picked up cheeseburgers for dinner on the drive, put on Wreck It Ralph on the DVD player, and we were ready to go!
The next morning, we got up and had breakfast at IHop because my son is a marketers dream. He once saw a commercial for their french toast with strawberries... and had no stopped talking about it. We figured this was as good of a time as any to answer his french toast pleas. :) We then drove into Dallas and took the kids to Build a Bear (which I did not get any pictures). It was a bit too much for Jackson to take in, but McKinley loved it. She chose a cute bear with a dress similar to one that she would wear.. with boots. And Jackson chose a black bear with..wait for it.. and Spider-man costume on. :)
We took them to ride the carousel in the mall, which Jackson LOVED and McKinley didnt.
After having lunch, we headed over to my family's house. Jackson found a fast friend, in Boo, my aunts Great Dane. We enjoyed catching up with all of our family, that we only see normally once a year.
Saturday, we went to TRADER JOES. I had read so many different blog posts about the store and what people liked, Reese and I were very excited to go. I had gone through some of the blog posts and had asked my facebook friends to tell me their favorites, so we wouldnt miss anything. :) So between the list that I brought, and our own personal employee who stuck with us the majority of the morning, opening things for us to try and telling us all his favorites, we were set. :) My Aunt Kay and cousin-in- law, Becca came with us. Between the four of us, we spent $600. Thats alot of groceries. But so so much fun! OKC NEEDS one.
My sweet guy- definitely definitely thankful for him!
On actual Thanksgiving day, I did not get any pictures (mom of the year right here). But we had a wonderful relaxing meal at Craig's brothers house. And then spent part of the evening with Ward, Reese and Merritt at my parents house. Craig left a bit early and braved Walmart for us! Definitely grateful he was willing to go-- and Jackson and McKinley will definitely be, on Christmas morning. :)
After the icing that happened the weekend before Thanksgiving.. we had a bigger snow system move through the week after! The kids had been sick, so we had to miss a couple of days of school and then we were snowed in. And as I mentioned, I dont do the drive on ice thing, so we were inside our house for quite a while. :) But the kids loved it. The snow and the being at home with Craig and I.
I definitely was not prepared for snow this year. We had such a mild winter last year, I didnt really adequately prepare for the snow this year- as far as clothing choices go for the kids. Especially McKinley, we had to get creative. Thankfully, Daisy had handed down an awesome super warm winter coat to McKinley that was perfect to play in.
Craig took them out sledding- these pictures accurately depict how they felt about the FREEZING cold and snow. Jackson LOVED it, McKinley didnt. I think Jackson, understands now the excitement of snow, while McKinley is definitely focusing on the frigid temps. :)
We have also decorated our house for Christmas. This time last year, we were just moving in and we just set up for Christmas as soon as we moved in. I cant believe we have already been in this house for a year.
We are definitely attempting to balance Christmas at our house. We are still doing Santa, we are still doing presents. But we are really trying to talk to Jackson and McKinley about the real gift of Christmas. We are reading the Jesus Story Book Bible, and introducing the Shepherds pouches. I also ordered an advent from the NapTime Diaries that focuses on where our JOY comes from this season (and everyday).
We have exchanged our yearly ornaments. Craig was in charge of McKinley and my ornaments, while I bought he and Jackson's. I bought an ornament representative of their favorite foods right now, while he found a Minnie Mouse (a McKinley favorite) putting on lipstick (another favorite). And then he found an ornament with 2 sets of boots- which is definitely appropriate for McKinley and I's relationship. Very special!
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