Sunday was a special day for the Smith family- we got to celebrate Craig and my Dad and McKinley was dedicated at church.
Craig and I, dedicated McKinley to the Lord, well before we met her on Earth. And we strive our best to raise both of our children in ways of the Lord. But, we had never publicly dedicated McKinley. It was something that we really wanted to do, and felt like it was important to do. This is normally done when they are babies. Not 2. But, our church had been without a pastor for some time, so no dedication was done, until now. The dedication service was held pretty early in the service. But clearly not early enough for McKinley. Probably one song too long. :) There were WAY too many people in the sanctuary that she felt she needed to meet, instead of sitting still with Mommy, Daddy and Honey and Papa. And clearly, being held in front of the church wasnt very much fun, she would much rather be on the stage. All other babies were perfectly behaved. :) But, regardless, it was a special time, where we were able to dedicate McKinley to the Lord.. and dedicate our parenting to Him as well. We are thankful for a church that loves our children and supports parents on the journey of trying our best to parent Godly children in a world where it is not the easiest.
After church, we were able to go to lunch as a family. We never get to do this, because Craig has to be at work right after Sunday School on Sundays. So it was a fun time. We went to a local chicken place in town, where the kids get to eat free on Sundays. :) It was delicious and the kids were very well behaved. The kids gave Craig a strawberry rhubarb pie from Pie Junkie and a hedge trimmer. :) He was very excited (especially about the pie!)
When we pulled in the driveway from lunch, she was knocked out. So tired, all that silly fit throwing in front of hundreds of people, wears a girl out, evidently. :)
We all took a great Sunday nap! It was so so so so so nice!!!
After nap time, we headed over to Honey and Papa's for dinner, to celebrate my awesome dad, Craig and my brother, Ward. All 3 are pretty fantastic dads, who love their children very very much!
After we got home, McKinley went to bed, and Jackson got in our bed with us to catch up on some DVR'ed shows and some snuggle time. It was a pretty perfect day!!! I just wish I was able to get a pic of Craig with both of the kids. They are way too busy for posed pictures these days! But Jackson and McKinley both adore their daddy!! We are all very thankful for him!
3 weeks ago
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