Although this didnt happen on the weekend hours.. it happened Friday. And I feel as this needs to be documented. :) Ms. Sarah sent me this picture. One day, Jackson is going to realize that it is much easier and efficient to go to the bathroom with your clothes on. And as you will see... anytime Jackson goes to the bathroom, McKinley is not far behind. Sweet girl really wants to go to the potty like a big girl. I just bought her first box of size 4 diapers.. maybe I should buy a couple pair of panties too... so. not. ready.
Friday night, I went shopping for MYSELF. I never do this anymore. Shopping for my kids is way more fun. But, Craig and I are getting to go to Florida in a month, so I really needed some springy/summer stuff. Dillards was having their big sale and I was able to get a few things, at good prices. It was a nice, "me" night.
Saturday, Craig worked, and the kids and I had a nice day at home. They played well together for the most part, while I cooked dinner for a friend and snacks for Sunday School. Jackson did have a major breakdown when he could not fit every stuffed animal that we have in our house into one diaper box. I took the box away and he got very angry. We had to work through that anger. :)
We took my friend and her mom dinner and when we got back to the house, Jackson did not want to get out of the van. He has done this before, and its normally when we have only been gone from the house for a little bit and he thinks that we need to be gone longer.
That night, I went back out to shop a bit more. This time I went to Penn Square mall. I wanted to see what their Dillards had to offer. :) Penn Square Mall is SCARY at night. I rarely go to the mall, and I definitely dont go on the weekends or at night (that sentence makes me sound so old.. but its true). As I was walking from the ladies Dillards to the men's Dillards, I chose to walk upstairs through the Food Court. DUMB decision. There was a group of guys lingering and when I was 5-10 feet a way from them (they were standing in front of the entrance to the men's Dillards), the guy dropped a GUN on the floor.
Ok.. lets talk about guns. A pretty hot topic right now, I guess. For me.. guns scare me. I did not grow up with guns. They are scary. I do recognize the need for them. And do not disagree with people having them in their home to keep them protected. However, guns in houses scare me too.
But this situation, was not a guy who had a gun in a holster (or whatever you keep them in), he dropped the gun and when his buddies all scattered, he picked it up and put it in his pants. In his pants. The mall has signs on the doors saying "no guns" but my guess is they do nothing to enforce it. I have a call in for "Jeff" the mall manager, we will see what he has to say. But what I know is that I will not be going back to that mall in the evenings again. Yuck.
Sunday, we went to church. McKinley was looking way old to me, yesterday!
Then it was nap time. McKinley fell asleep on the ride home. And Jackson didnt give up until McKinley had waken up from her nap. He was too distracted with "swimming" on his bed when he was supposed to be sleeping. Every now and then I would hear him yell, "Cannon Ball".
We went back to church last night, and when we picked the kids up.. they were SO conflicted. It was really funny. Normally, Jackson and McKinley give us the reaction that every parent wants.. they are SO happy to see us, give us great smiles and run to us. But last night.. McKinley saw us, and you could tell she wanted to be happy.. but she was sitting at the table with all the other kids. So she started crying and continued to sit. Jackson was washing his hands, and when he saw us gave us a great big smile but when we asked him if he was ready to go, he said no and went and sat at the table. Come to find out, they had just given the kids cookies. And my kids were not willing to miss out on snack time. :)
Craig and I ended our weekend, going over our new budget that we made.. some of our financial goals that we have set, and watching Worst Cooks in America.
All in all, another great weekend!
4 weeks ago
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