In one week, it will have been two years since the word, omphalocele, entered Craig and I's vocabulary. Not only had we never HEARD of it, we most definitely had to be reminded how to pronounce it. But it was a word that changed our life forever. Tomorrow is Omphalocele Awareness Day- our hope is that research will continue to be done and parents will continue to be educated. Thankfully, Craig and I were only in passing given the option to terminate our pregnancy. That is not always the case- many doctors dont give much hope for our babies. Please take a few minutes and watch this video that one of the mom's in our support group made. Each of these babies and their parents have been on and continue to be on such an incredible roller coaster of a journey. If you think about it tomorrow, on a day set aside for awareness for omphaloceles- please pray for these fighter babies and their parents!
3 weeks ago
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