Yesterday was another big day in McKinley's omphalocele journey.
We were scheduled to take her in for her 6 month follow up with her surgeon, Dr. Letton. I was pretty anxious about the appointment. I guess, I still have this overwhelming feeling from our last days in the hospital, and the lectures we got about her eating and growing and gaining weight. And even though she IS growing and she IS gaining weight.. I still have this fear that they were going to tell me she had to spend more time in the hospital. I kept telling myself I was being unnecessarily anxious and stressed. But it is what it is.. and I was anxious. I was stressed. So much so, Dr. Letton was appearing in my dreams at night... Wierd. :)
But as suspected, I WAS unnecessarily stressed and anxious. The appointment went great! Without really mentioning her weight (she was weighing 12 lbs 10 oz at this appointment.. clothed and diapered), I was asked approximately 45 times if she ate well. I could honestly say she does. We also looked at her cute little belly button. He said that it may always be flat.. which is TOTALLY fine with me. It is her ONLY scar. He did mention that it could still get herniated. And if it does, it will not fix itself like other belly buttons would. So we would have to come back in for that. But, assuming that does not happen, McKinley got RELEASED from having to see her surgeon anymore!
Jackson was so proud of his sister as well!
I was reminded how blessed we have been through this entire journey. God has been so good to us- he gave us the miracle of McKinley. She was born fiesty and a fighter. She continues to demonstrate those qualities today. She may be tiny, but her fight is big. And her belly button is cute. :)
3 weeks ago
Congratulations on the wonderful news, Danielle!
What a praise!! God bless.
YAY!!!!! please stop worrying about her weight!!! You are crazy!!!
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